- At only 2.50” tall, Nano Roll redefines what a small designer shade should be.
- Ultra-quiet operation.
- Low Voltage and Lithium Battery Shades have soft start/stop technology.
- Programmable limits. Fine tunable using a remote, through your control system, or the Tahoma app, depending on configuration.
- Industry leading light gaps, as small as 3/4”, depending on size and configuration.
- Shades move in unison, with speeds programmable through integration.
- Expansive textile / fabric options with UV blocking Sunscreen, Light Filtering, Privacy and Black-out available.
- Most commercial grade fabrics carry NFPA 701-10 California Title 19, ASTM E2180, ASTM G21 Bacterial & Fungal Resistance and some carry various Acoustical Ratings for sound absorption.
- Custom fabric options available.
- Power failure memory for the life of the shade.
- Available in Wired using 485/ Zigbee LV with Janus, SiFi, and Fontus, or Wireless using Zigbee or RTS technologies.
- Low voltage power and communication over Category cable, or over existing 2-wire installations.
Fabric selection may limit the size of the shade, or force cassette size to the next size up; use the SI Flow Tool and SI Design Services with help determining shade size and fabric selection compatibility.
Available in 12 standard powder coat colors for the ultimate in finish durability:
- Clear Anodized Effect
- Champagne, Char Brown
- Cool White, Dark Gray
- Dolphin
- Fossil
- Taupe
- Vapor
- Warm White
- White
- Black
- 275
- 375
- 475
Methods of Control
Wired Integration and control
- IP control for all popular control systems - 485
- Serial 232 • Contact closure (global and local)
- 12v trigger
- 0-10v Wireless Integration and control
- Zigbee • RTS (global and local)
- IR
Technical Specifications
- Low Voltage Power, with operating voltage: (class 2, 24-28v DC)
- Power supply features over/under-voltage, over/under current, and thermal protection for all devices in the system
- Electrostatic isolated and galvanic isolation
- Non-volatile memory, meaning programming is protected in the case of a power failure
- Power must be derived from a Screen Innovations supplied power source for all low-voltage and charging
Flexible Configuration
- Create scenes, groups, and set times
- Systems we integrate with:
- NANO 485 shades - BCP, Control4, Crestron SIMPL, Crestron Home*, Dry Contact Closures, Elan, IP, IR, Lutron*, Loxone, RS-232, RS-485, RTI, Savant, URC, 0-10v, 12v Trigger
- NANO RTS shades - Alexa, Control4, Crestron SIMPL, Crestron Home*, Dry Contact Closures, Elan, Google Home via IFTTT, Josh.ai*, IP, IR, Loxone, RS-232 via URTSII, RS-485 via URTSII, RTI, Savant, URC, 12v Trigger via Connect
- NANO Zigbee shades - Alexa, Control4, Crestron SIMPL, Crestron Home*, Elan, Google home, IP, Lutron*, RS-232*, RTI*, Savant, URC, Apple Homekit*, Phillips HUE*, Brilliant*, Josh ai*, Samsung Smart Things*
System Size
- Janus - Each Janus powers up to 8 devices, and up to 255 devices per segment
- Zigbee - A Zigbee system can control up to 77 nodes per mesh controller, with no limit on number of mesh controllers for RTS
- RTS - RTS systems can control virtually unlimited devices using LinkPro Z, TaHoma Switch, and the SI Eco-system via Pegasus.
Compatible power sources
Configurable in 3 available motor types:
- Operating temperature range is normal ambient (32 to 110 degrees), and humidity levels up to 90%. Not meant for wet environments.
Nano Roll Measurements
Mounting Bracket Dimensions & Fabric Path
- Dimensions on standard and reverse roll orientation will vary depending on fabric thickness and shade height of the fabric chosen.
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